coffee break!!!!!!!
i don't usually drink coffee before.
not until i started to be with my friends...
let me call them medium and large...
I'm the small of course...lol
kidding aside...every afternoon...
we often had a conversation over a cup of coffee...
this is our way of relaxing after a day of work.
i love being in this part...
simply because it's the time where i can laugh and release the tension that's been dragging me the whole day.
we can freely express our thoughts and feelings...
thoughts that somehow needs an explanations...
feelings that sometimes need to be released inorder not to pressure us.
as im about to have my first sip, i suddenly stare at something and had this thoughts... "without medium and large, could i still enjoyed having a cup of it?"
could it be as sweet as the smile i am having everytime they're around?
i just let it puzzled my mind until such time that i had it all...
guess what came on my mind on that instance... "it really tastes good"
at that point i realized something...
life is like having a cup of coffee.
you sit on a certain place, lift the cup, and take a careless sip,
only to realize somebody forgot to put a sugar.
too lazy to go for it...you somehow struggle through a sugarless cup...
until you discover undissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...
that's how life is...
we do not make any effort to value what is around or within us.
so usually we struggle over our journey.
we go on being lonely...without enjoying those precious moments...
moments that if we tried to reach...will surely make our journey's fun.
we often took for granted those people who's just there waiting for us to reach out.
people that if we only know how to value will make our life worth living.
for me...medium and large...plays an important role in my cup of coffee.
they were part of that sugar crystal that add sweetness in my journey of life.
so look around , maybe the sweetness you are looking for is closer than you think :)