Jesus, please hear the prayers I offer.
Lord, please take away the sadness. I am hurting. I am weary. There are days I cannot remember what joy felt like. My heart have been broken. I sometimes wonder if You really care ... and if you are really there. I am not sure how much I can bear. So, in my sadness I pray, "Father, restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."

Lord, please take away the fear. There's so much happening that I don't understand. I struggle with the uncertainty. I struggle to find confidence. I am looking for reasons for hope. So, in my times of fear I pray, "Father, walk with me and hold me in Your strong hands."

Lord, please take away the disappointment. Too often I've put my trust in people; too often I watch them fail. I put my hope in things; and things never last. With each disappointment my hearts grow sicker as my hopes slowly seem to fade in the darkness. So, in my disappointment I pray, "Father, help me to be faithful to You, and never forget Your promise to be faithful in all things."

Lord, please take away the doubt. Deep in my heart I know you care. In the depths of my soul I know I am always near. At times my faith is weak and my confidence is depleted. So, in times of doubt I pray, "Father, open my eyes and open my ears." Father, thank you for filling us with your presence.

Lord, please take away the anger. I am not by nature angry person. But, there are times when the anger waits just beneath the surface to erupt at just the wrong moment.I don't want that anger to take root in my heart. I want to let go of it and harbor no resentment. I want to forgive. So, in my anger I pray, "Father, forgive me as I forgive those who have sinned against me."

Lord, please take away the hurt. The hurts ... well, they hurt. The hurt seems to
never end. Pain is all around me. Not just me, but people all around me are crying for relief. So in my times of hurting I pray for Your healing hand to rest upon me, and to feel Your comforting Spirit within me, and that someday I might understand.
Lord, take away the loneliness. There are times when loneliness almost completely overwhelms me. I long for relationship. I long for real friendship. I long for love. I know You are always with me. I know your love is real. But, sometimes, Lord, I need someone I can touch, someone I can see, and someone I can feel. So, in my loneliness I pray, "Fill me, Lord, with Your presence."

Father, thank you for restoring joy to me, for calming my fears, for reassuring me of Your faithfulness, for opening my eyes and ears to the certainty of You, for forgiving me of my sins, for healing me of my hurts, and for filling me with Your presence. I love you.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus


Father, I recognize that in my lifetime I have made enemies that I don't even know about.
Perhaps I have wronged someone or circumstances brought about a grudge.
I lift them up in prayer, may they forgive me and no longer hold on to their anger.
If they do not yet know You, may they seek Your face and may You deliver them by the blood of Your Son Jesus.
If I am still holding a grudge of anger, please bring this to my knowledge that I may be able to forgive and pray for them as well.
I pray in the name of our Savior Jesus the Messiah; To GOD be the glory. Amen.


Nobody quite knows where Ms. Takes came from. Some believe her mother was Invention. Others believe Chance, Risk, or Life itself was her creator. As a child, little Miss Takes used to be greedier than her other classmates—always wanting more than her fair share. Properly named, Miss Takes was not a giver but a taker in every sense of the word. She would stun her mother, Invention, by saying nothing was possible, there wasn’t enough, and everything was hopeless. Her mother eventually had enough and made her a ward of the state of mind—left to drift in and out of consciousness.

As Miss Takes grew older, she would eventually make friends with Homeless and Downtrodden. It was with Unfortunate that she finally was able to settle down and plant some roots. Sad, Depressed, and Hopeless welcomed Miss Takes into their lives. They held onto her and identified with her. They modeled their lives after her. “Yes! The world was a horrible unfair place! Yes! Life was pointless!” Her fans would roar. It wasn’t long before Miss Takes had quite a following. Trouble-makers around the globe pointed to Miss Takes for their misfortune. She became the scapegoat for the worried and doubtful. Scoundrels and hooligans alike sought refuge in Miss Takes. The name Miss Takes became synonymous with Fear, Doubt, and Worry. Although she liked this new found infamy, she realized there was something missing in her life. She didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin.

One day she decided she would give up her fame and notoriety and try to uncover her true self. On one bright spring morning, Miss Takes changed her name to Miss Givings. The reaction to her name change was alarming. Miss Takes had been confident that by changing her name from Miss Takes to Miss Givings she would be loved and adored by everyone. Instead, she gave everyone an uneasy feeling. People were so used to Miss Takes they didn’t know what to make of Miss Givings. Like so many others, Miss Takes gave to others, hoping to receive the credit she never gave to herself. Despite her best efforts, no one trusted her. She became lost and took on an identity of insecurity that didn’t really suit her. She wondered if all she was, or could ever be, was one big mistake. Sad and dejected, Ms. Givings, formerly Miss Takes, contemplated taking her own life. As she sat in her one-room apartment and began to compose her final goodbye, there was a sudden knock on the door. She tried to ignore the knocking, but it would not stop. Finally, she decided to get up and answer it. To her surprise, Mister Success was knocking at her door.

“Are you Miss Givings, formerly called Miss Takes?” asked Mister Success.

“Yes,” answered Miss Takes.

“Oh! I have been looking for you everywhere!” he shouted. “I want to thank you for all the work you have done, and are doing, and I want you to go back to being who you are! You aren’t Miss Givings! You’re Miss Takes! If it wasn’t for you, myself and so many others like me could have never become whole.”

“You mean there are more of you?!” questioned Miss Takes.

“Yes! Yes!” he screamed. “There are billions of us! And we’ve all been looking for you! If it wasn’t for you, Miss Takes, none of us would have been complete!”

“I’m sorry,” Miss Takes replied. “Please leave me alone. You must have me confused with Inspiration or something.”

“No! Please don’t close the door,” he exclaimed, “Don’t you understand that you are inspiration? That, without you, there would be no alternative theories, no invention! Without you, Miss Takes, the world would always be the same and would never be able to learn. It is only because of you that we can learn from our beloved mistakes.”

She began to cry. She realized the world wasn’t a horrible miserable place with no room for Miss Takes. She was responsible for success; the world needed her. She embraced Mister Success, and they lived happily ever after. To this day, you will never find Mister Success where Miss Takes hasn’t paved the road for him to walk on.


Life is full of ups and downs and twist and turns. Sometimes, we just need a helping hand to give us strength to carry on and to succeed. As lifes go on…we’ve come to realized things that somehow been there and have come to change our life. Things that brought us happiness and pains. In my journey of life I’ve come to realized that…

• in this world it’s hard to tell who’s true and who’s not. People may be good at the beginning and be cruel in the end. if you are too trusting people will take advantage of you.if you are weak people will hurt you. After loving them they’ll leave you.
• you may not like what you're doing now, but you just have to continue with it because you have no other choice, and because you do not dare to stray off the "normal" path.
• the rich will be richer while the poor poorer.... you may not like the path that you have chosen, but many a time, you can't change it because circumstances do not allow you to change it.
• some people just have everything going for them while the rest can struggle through their whole life and come to nothing.... there are people who have no idea what they are doing but will eventually succeed in life, while those who think they know what they are doing may eventually come up to naught.
• no matter what everyone says otherwise, looks does count to some extent.
• everybody has dreams, but not everyone is able to realize it
• those with pretty faces always seem to have it easier.
• there will never be total equality between the sexes.
• the intensity of our relationships with the people around us change with time and environment.
• the person who was once your best friend may turn out to be a stranger, or worse, your enemy.
• relationships (friends, love, etc) have to be carefully maintained, like your precious car, otherwise they will become all wrecked up before you know it.
• while you may think you have many friends, think again, do you really?
• while you think you know a person really well, the truth may turn out to be otherwise.
• you can never find a person who is 100% truthful to you.
• there are more hypocrites around you than you realise or wish to admit.
• you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.
• all parents love their children, but to varying degrees for each child. i.e. parents play favoritism, they don't love their children equally.

* the world will never be a better place as long as humans are part of it.
• one should be satisfied just knowing that one is loved even though one might be loved less than one's sibling(s) because there are orphans out there who have never known a parent's love.
• what is seen as progress may actually be a regression of humankind.
• there are more things out there I do not know about, much much more than the things I know.
• there are some things you do that others will think are sheer silliness, but as long as you think they are worth your time and effort, just do it!

Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
... it is very hard to take care of everyone's feelings. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the things you do will hurt someone in one way or other.
... the saying "Money is not everything, but without money you have nothing" is very true.
... simply accepting the dire situation you're in makes you a loser.
... trying to change a dire situation does not necessarily make you a winner.
... you just can't rush some things. If it's meant to be yours, you'll get it eventually. If it's not meant to be yours, you'll never find it even if you try hard.
... like it or not, there are some things you just have to let go of.
... constantly looking back and thinking about what you should have done and what you should not have done in the past brings nothing but regrets. The more often you think back, the more regrets you will have.
... we are always taught to look to the future, but thinking about the future inevitably brings up the past and the regrets of past that many are more than willing to forget. Like it or not, we will always be stuck in this vicious circle of thoughts as long as we live.
... even though I hate the way the society works, I still have to live in it no matter what. I can't just go and die, can I?
... trying to solve problems by death is sheer escapism and a totally selfish thing to do. While you might think all your troubles have been solved with your departure from this world, you have given the people around you nothing but more trouble and grief, as though there is not enough to deal with without you adding to it.
... things are always easier said than done.
... there are far too many things out there that you wish to change but can't, so just accept it! That's life!

since then, pains and difficulties has been with me...
so many times i did stumbled...
so many times i was hurt...
so many times i was left behind...

my parents left me when i was 2 years old in the care of my grandparents
from there mom never showed her face...
until now she's still not here...
i don't even know who my dad is...
i grew up in a house in which i considered a jail.
a house which is not a home.
but through all those times...
when everybody left me...
God never did!
i've been a sinners...
but He never abandoned me...

here's one of my favorite song...
i got it uploaded on youtube...
the very first video i ever made...


Why do I make it so obvious?
Why do I make it so complicating?
Why do I like you this much?

I'm not trying to be silly?
I'm not trying to be smart?
I'm just trying to be me,
I'm just trying to control my stupid heart.

Is not that I feel guilty
Im feeling really bad.

Not having you by my side,
Being nothing but sad.

Why do you make it so obvious?
Why do you make it seem hard?
Why are you there?
Why are you are so faraway, so far.

Now, you are part of my world.
Now, you are part of my heart.
I don't really know

But I know is not me. But
Is it the world around me?
Is it us? Or
Is it the world behind me?

Why me and you?
Why us?

I'm just confused and lost.

FAILURE? not me!

The concept of failure has been prominent in my life;
Nothing has ever come easy, never success without strife.
There have been no smiles without any frowns,
There have been no ups without any downs.
Never any laughter without any tears,
Not one dream without any fears.

What was easy for others seemed impossible to me,
Places others adored, I wasn't meant to be.
I found the perfect place then was pushed out the door;
I couldn't stay forever, I had to find a new place to soar.
So I made my decision and jumped right on in,
My failing days were over, now I knew how to win.
I promised myself that I'd know how to fend;
I'd done it before, I could do it again.

But to my shock and heart breaking pain,
I once again found myself caught in the rain.
This new battle knocked me right off of my throne
And I thought to myself "I should have known".
For all of my life I'd been hit with hail,
It's just who I was, of course I would fail.
But lately I've wondered if it was failure at all.
I may have slipped, but did I really fall?

The definition of failure is not having success;
Which is hardly this case because I've learned from this mess.
I've learned who I am and met life changing friends,
And my chance to succeed has not come to an end.
I couldn't have failed because I still am not done;
I couldn't have lost with all that I've won.
I know where I'm going and what I want to do,
Only I chose to take the scenic route.
And on that path I've seen beauty so great
That it hardly matters that my success will be late.
All that I've been through has led me to see
That the definition of failure is not me.


I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!!!!!

a cup of coffee

coffee break!!!!!!!

i don't usually drink coffee before.
not until i started to be with my friends...
let me call them medium and large...
I'm the small of

kidding aside...every afternoon...
we often had a conversation over a cup of coffee...
this is our way of relaxing after a day of work.
i love being in this part...
simply because it's the time where i can laugh and release the tension that's been dragging me the whole day.
we can freely express our thoughts and feelings...
thoughts that somehow needs an explanations...
feelings that sometimes need to be released inorder not to pressure us.

as im about to have my first sip, i suddenly stare at something and had this thoughts... "without medium and large, could i still enjoyed having a cup of it?"
could it be as sweet as the smile i am having everytime they're around?
i just let it puzzled my mind until such time that i had it all...
guess what came on my mind on that instance... "it really tastes good"
at that point i realized something...

life is like having a cup of coffee.
you sit on a certain place, lift the cup, and take a careless sip,
only to realize somebody forgot to put a sugar.
too lazy to go for somehow struggle through a sugarless cup...
until you discover undissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...

that's how life is...
we do not make any effort to value what is around or within us.
so usually we struggle over our journey.
we go on being lonely...without enjoying those precious moments...
moments that if we tried to reach...will surely make our journey's fun.
we often took for granted those people who's just there waiting for us to reach out.
people that if we only know how to value will make our life worth living.

for me...medium and large...plays an important role in my cup of coffee.
they were part of that sugar crystal that add sweetness in my journey of life.

so look around , maybe the sweetness you are looking for is closer than you think :)


we feel more affection for our relatives and friends when we are parted from them.

it is what we do that really matters,
not just what we say.

pleasures cannot go on forever, for all things change, and the best of friends must part.

this proverb would have as believe that in courtship, just as on the battlefield, it is permissible to use every stratagem and take advantage of every opportunity.

it is the end that matters, making up for previous failures and disappointments.

do not judge a thing by its attractive appearance.
Appearances are deceptive.

when first we try to ride a bicycle, we are quite sure that we shall never do
anything but fall off; but as we go on practicing , the whole thing becomes easy that we wonder why we ever had any difficulty at all.

you will be punished or rewarded according to whether you have led a virtuous
or a sinful life.

by this we mean that bad news nearly always reaches us more quickly
than good news.

good workmanship depends on more on quality of the tools than it does on the way in which they are used, so to blame the tools for bad workmanship is to attempt to excuse one’s own lack of skill.

you have no right to be generous till you have first met the demands of justness.
You should not, for example , start giving presents to your friends before you have paid back the money you owe others.

we cannot judge by looks alone. Physical beauty may hide an ugly nature.


i was about to sleep when a friend sent me this text message...

"LIFE is never about the people who act true in front of you,
it is always about the people who remain true behind your back!"
after reading many thoughts comes on my mind...
how many times did someone stabbed me at my back?
how many times did i discovered that a friend has been untrue to me?
how many times did i got hurt because of those untrue people?
who are they?

they may be someone special...
they may be a friend...
they may be your most loving someone...
a brother, a sister or family member.

it really feels hurt inside ...
if someone betrayed you.
specially if that person was the one you've trusted so much.
i've been into it so many times.
and actually experiencing it right now.

and if it's true that...
life will always be those people who have been true behind my back...
i should have left this person who've been untrue to me.
i should have break the friendship we shared for a long time.
i should have take them off in my life.
and let them ruin my whole stay on earth.

for me what matters most is always who i am to other people...
life for me is never about...
those people who had been true ...
or untrue towards me...
life for me is all about...
being good to people even they'd been true or untrue to me.

for those who had been with me in my journey of life...
whether you have been true or untrue...
thank you...coz my life will never be complete without you :)